Your signature speech is the cornerstone of your speaking business. At a recent Speaker Lab, Jen Coffel, Engaging Speakers CEO, shared some powerful information on how to craft your signature speech. Here a few of the highlights:
Before you even write a word, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions:
1) Why am I speaking? It’s critical to determine what your motivation is for sharing your message.

2) Why this talk?

3) Whose life can you impact with this topic?

4) What are the 10 problems you solve for your audience?

5) What are the 10 results that working with you will give them?

6) What is my personal transformational story?

7) What is my offer? What do you want them to do as a result of hearing your signature speech?

Once you have answered these questions, you will have the foundation that will be groundwork that you can use to build a strong signature talk.

A few tips to remember before you begin writing:

1) Your signature talk should be inspirational, not informational. Go back to your passion.
2) Be generous, but don’t give everything away. Determine what item of value that you will give to your audience for free. However, always leave more to gift them in the future as you build a long-term relationship with them.

3) Develop a topic title that is memorable and draw both the meeting professional and the audience members to want to hear your presentation. People buy the title first. Make it one that makes them want to hear your message.

4) Don’t talk about your process, talk about the result they will get from the process.

5) Always end with a call to action and make it easy for them to say “YES”.

Once you have done your homework and gathered your answers to these important questions, you can begin to craft your signature speech. In part two of “Crafting Your Signature Speech”, you will learn the structure of an effective signature speech.

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Gail Brown, Founder of Engaging Speakers,